Services for Boards


SID provides Board Appointment Services to members. Through Board Listings and Board Match services, members will be notified of available board opportunities from commercial and nonprofit organisations. For Board Listings, applications will be forwarded directly to the organisation for the company’s review and selection. For Board Match services, SID will shortlist candidates for the company’s review.


Board Appointment Services


A balanced and diverse board of directors encourages different perspectives and considered decision-making, characteristics of high performing boards. Research shows a correlation between board diversity and organisational performance.

Most organisations use personal networks or look to their board and management when searching for board candidates. Why not widen your reach without having to turn to professional search firms?

SID has an extensive directory of directors – ready and qualified to serve as independent directors on boards. Our members comprise directors of private businesses, public listed companies (in Singapore and abroad), and nonprofit organisations. They have the depth and breadth of technical competencies and professional experience, with a diverse range of backgrounds. SID’s Continuing Professional Development requirements and comprehensive training curriculum ensure that its members are professionally equipped and up-to-date with the latest developments in directorship and boardroom matters.


SID offers board appointment services that organisations can tap on to search for suitable board members. Talk to us to help you choose between:
Board Match – A dedicated service for organisations seeking to appoint directors. View details >
Board Listing – A listing service for organisations to advertise board positions. View details >

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